ضيوف الحلقة

Dr.Paul Salem

What does the election of Joe Biden mean for the Middle East? How will the relations between the United States on one side and Egypt and Saudi Arabia on the other side look like? What can one expect regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Will America return to the Iran nuclear deal under the Biden administration?

These and other questions answered by Dr. Paul Salem, President of the Middle East Institute, in his interview with Maher Gabra in a new episode of “BelArabi” podcast. Dr. Paul Salem is a prominent political analyst who holds a PhD in political science from Harvard University, USA. He has been chairing the Middle East Institute since 2018.

The institute is a Think Tank, based in Washington, DC. It is a non-partisan organization that provides political analysis on the countries of the Middle East and North Africa and on US policies towards them. It is considered one of the most respected research institutions in the United States.

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معُد ومقدم البرنامج

Maher Gabra

Maher Gabra is a journalist, writer and digital content producer interested in issues of individual freedoms, women's and minorities rights, and intellectual and religious reform in the Middle East. Previously, he worked as an editor in chief for the digital division of the Middle East Broadcasting Network (MBN). He has articles on many Arab and American sites, and he writes a weekly article for Al-Hurra.